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Gait Analysis

Gait analysis is a way of identifying potential biomechanical/movement faults when you are walking/running. It is most commonly used when getting a pair of new running shoes, however at Reform we look at the way your entire body moves on and off the treadmill so we can identify whether there are any mechanical restrictions, weaknesses, asymmetries etc that may cause injury or prevent a tissue from healing.

For more information on the Gait Analysis, call us on 01799530650

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Prior to getting you on the treadmill, we will conduct various tests, including muscle strength and control as well as mobility to see if we can unearth any early clues before we get you running.

At the end of the session we will give you recommendations based on our findings, normally including strength and conditioning, mobility, running technique (possibly with some changes to practice at home if you need them). We can also talk about your training programme to make sure that you aren’t over cooking it and overloading your body.

You will be sent videos of the exercises so you can keep up with the programme prior to a catch up appointment to see how you are getting on or to follow up with some manual therapy if required.

Gait analysis can help runners who are struggling with aches and pains, stiffness or even if you have lost your spring to see if there is anything we can do to help to get things moving again.

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